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School Facilities

I. The Site and Buildings

          The school campus is located on a thirty acre site adjacent to the elementary school. The buildings are situated at a safe distance from State Highway 257 and are readily accessible by a paved driveway. The site is free from traffic, environmental noises and undesirable odors. When the building was constructed in 1962, the site was landscaped, and the building was located so as to provide for future expansion.

          The one-story brick building has a combination gym-auditorium that is located adjacent to the front entrance which serves the administration offices, main corridor, gym and lunchroom. The parking area for cars and buses is located in the front and read of the building and is readily accessible from either end of the building by paved walkways. The physical education area is located far enough from the building to ensure that distracting noises will not interfere with classes, but is close enough to provide easy access from the rear entrance to the dressing rooms. The dressing rooms for physical education classes also open into the gym which is used for both boys’ and girls’ physical education classes.

         The building was constructed to meet the standards required by the building codes. The heat is provided from a central coal-fired boiler which is located in the basement and is well away from classroom areas. Central air conditioning from units are located on the roof and serve all areas of the building other than the gym and agribusiness shop. The floor is a concrete slab with vinyl asbestos covering throughout the building except the gym which has maple wood with clear finish. All rooms are accessible from each side of a central corridor which extends the length of the building and joins the entrance vestibule at one end and a smaller hall which provides access to the Home Economics and Agribusiness Departments. The outer wall of each classroom is composed chiefly of windows which have been covered by vinyl drapes throughout the building. These drapes, which allow for control of the natural light, are also used as blackout drapes when projection equipment is being used. The lighting throughout the building is flourescent except the gym which is equipped with incandescent fixtures. The stage area is equipped with a dressing room for the stage performances as well as a very elaborate combination of spots, footlights, and varied-level colored lights for plays, beauty contests, and other activities. The new north wing was added in January 1980 and provides six classrooms, two restrooms, teacher lounge and janitorial storage.

          The water for the elementary school, the high school and the new middle school is furnished by the Curry Water Authority. This service began in May 1980. The sewage is disposed of by a large treatment plant that serves all three schools. The plant is periodically inspected by the Walker County Health Department, and is maintained by the maintenance department of the Walker County Board of Education.

II. Teaching Areas

          The teaching areas are made up of eighteen classrooms, an Agribusiness Department with shop and classroom, a Home Economics Department with combination classroom, kitchen and sewing area with living room and fitting room, and a library with workroom and office. Information gathered from a survey of the faculty indicated that most faculty members feel that the teaching stations provide adequate area to accommodate the existing enrollment; however, the enrollment is as large as can be provided for in an effective learning situation. Each teaching area can be adapted for a variety of learning experiences; however, it would be difficult to use large and small group instruction, team teaching, or other organizational plans since each room has fixed partitions. 

          Each teaching area has appropriate display cases, work surfaces, writing areas, storage, shelving, and seating with plans for projection screens for each room for increased use of the audiovisual equipment.

          The building is equipped with an inter-com system for communication with each teaching area and the central office. The schedule is controlled by a program clock which is more than adequate to meet the requirements of the organization of the program. We are currently involved in a trial period of life without the inter-com system.

III. Assembly Area and Services

             The general assembly area is a combination gym-auditorium which is equipped with an adequate stage area and dressing area. The assembly area is provided with properly marked exits and will accommodate the activities for which it is to be used.

IV. Food Service Facilities

             The food service facility is a cafeteria with dining area and food preparation center. The dining area seats one hundred forty eight persons and is equipped with attractive, durable, and easily cleaned furnishings. It is well-ventilated and illuminated and is designed to provide for a safe and efficient traffic pattern. The food preparation center adjoins the dining area, and the students have access to the cafeteria line through two doors - one for entrance and one for exit. The kitchen is well-equipped with modern facilities and small and large appliances for the storage and preparation of the lunches. It is well-ventilated as both dining area and food preparation center are centrally air conditioned. The kitchen area has a quarry tile floor for easy maintenance. The illumination meets the requirement for light standards. A rear door to the kitchen provides easy access to the storage area for refrigerated and non-refrigerated foods and for removal of garbage. 

            The cafeteria is operated under the provisions of the rules established by the United States Department of Agriculture for School Lunch Programs. An average of three hundred ten students each day is served in three twenty-five minute lunch periods. Those students who choose to provide their own lunch are allowed to use the facilities of the dining area and may purchase milk.

V. Office and Staff Facilities

            The administrative suite is composed for four rooms - a combination reception room/secretary’s office, a combination storage room, computer room/bookkeeping center which is used for books and office supplies, and the principal’s office. The Assistant Principal’s office is located adjacent to the administrative suite and is equipped with restroom facilities, tables, chairs, and book and magazine racks for professional materials. Both the administrative suite and Assistant Principal’s office are readily accessible from the front entrance hall.

VI. Recommendations for Improvements of Facilities as Suggested by Area


  1. Build an auditorium or convert the present one into an auditorium and construct a new gym.
  2. Develop a math lab.
  3. Provide a gym for girls’ physical education.
  4. Construct a choral room with practice and ensemble rooms, storage, seating, risers, and sound equipment.
  5. Provide more storage areas.
  6. Provide display cases and bulletin boards in the science rooms.
  7. Equip a room for special education.
  8. Provide a separate room for art class.
  9. Provide unbreakable light fixtures for both dressing room showers in the gym.
  10. Check all electrical outlets for possible danger in gym.
  11. Provide a wench type apparatus for side goals.
  12. Provide an electrical panel completely controlled on stage.
  13. The restroom in the coaches’ office needs replastering.
  14. The water line to the ice machine should be re-routed.
  15. Provide a weight room near the football facility or add a weight room to the field house.
  16. Provide additional library storage space, (periodicals, reference materials, and professional library shelf).