School History
Before 1920, the original school in the Curry community was a two-room structure where the Johnseys now live. It was named for Mr. W.W. Milford, who donated the land. The school burned, and the Methodist Church was used for two years.
In the year 1920, some far-sighted citizens saw the need for a high school in what is today the Curry community. Many of these citizens met with J. Alex Moore, who was the Superintendent of Education at that time, to discuss plans for the building of a school which would consolidate many small schools in the surrounding area. Several places were offered as ideal locations, but the State Planning Committee selected the present location because it was near the center of the community to be served. The building was in a woodland. Many stumps had to be removed. This was a favorite punishment for loud talkers.
At this time, the county could give very little help in the building, so the citizens of the community put their shoulders to the wheel. Money was very scarce in those days. People who were able to contribute money. The others contributed materials or labor. The county furnished some materials. It was not unusual for many who lived on the Jasper road to see several wagons loaded with materials going to Curry. Brick was hauled. Lumber was cut and dressed. Most of the logs were given by individuals.
In the fall of 1921, five rooms, an office, and a hall were ready for occupancy. The first principal was Charles C. (Chick) Anderson. He also taught Vocational Agriculture. Grades one through nine were taught. Pupils above the sixth grade were transported from the surrounding communities in privately-owned buses, on horseback, and in wagons. Students came from Marylee, Louvell, Milfored, Blackwater, Drummond, King, Mt. Zion, Sunlight, and other communities.
At the dedication of the building, Mr. J. Alex Moore gave the address. The school was named for Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry. This American statesman and educator worked for sixty years to make education possible for all children in the South. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Confederate Congress, and the Confederate Army. He was president of the Howard College and a U.S. Minister to Spain. Alabama placed his statue in Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol Building, in Washington D.C. His picture is displayed in a museum in Montgomery, Alabama.
In 1922, work was started on an auditorium. This was first used in 1923 for graduation ceremonies. Since Curry High School was not yet accredited, many students got their diplomas from Walker County High School.
Rooms and departments were added, and soon Curry was one of the best high school in Walker County. Students came from Thach, Farmstead, and other communities.
In 1925 with Jim Boston as principal, Curry became an accredited school. There were only eleven grades taught at that time. There were fifteen boys and girls in the graduating class. In 1962, modern facilities were built for the high school, and the original building was left for the elementary school.